
South Calgary Primary Care Network Board of Directors for 2024-2025

SCPCN is governed by  physician members who are SAPCA Directors, independent community members and Alberta Health Services (AHS) representatives. Questions? You can reach us at info@scpcn.ca

  • Dr. Ike Muotoh – Board Chair, SAPCA Board Director
  • Dr. Lori Montgomery, Board Vice-Chair, Community Integration Medical Lead Primary Care Division, Community Health (AHS Calgary Zone)
  • Dr. Katy Anderson – SAPCA Board Director
  • Ms. Amy Good, AHS-appointed Board Director, Senior Operating Officer Community, Rural and Continuing Care Calgary Zone
  • Mr. Paul Swanston, Treasurer, Independent Director
  • Ms. Alison Sabo, Independent Director
  • Mr. Larry Albrecht, Independent Director
  • Dr. Laura O’Neill – SAPCA Board Director
  • Ms. Virginia Meyer – AHS-appointed Board Director, Senior Operating Officer South Health Campus
  • Ms. Melina Dharma-Wardene – Executive Director, SCPCN 

SAPCA (South Anderson Primary Care Association) Board for 2023-2024

Non-profit organization of physicians in the South Calgary region who elect directors to represent physicians on the SCPCN Board. 

  • Dr. Katy Anderson – President/Chair
  • Dr. Ike Muotoh 
  • Dr. Laura-Lea McKay
  • Dr. Chinyem Dzawanda
  • Dr. Evelyn Ma
  • Dr. Mhairi Mitchell 
  • Dr. Laura O’Neill
  • Dr. Ling Mu
  • Dr. Olukemi Moyosola Obajimi

Senior Leadership at South Calgary PCN

  • Ms. Melina Dharma-Wardene – Executive Director
  • Dr. Noreen O’Riordan- Medical Director
  • Dr. Wayne Chang – Medical Home Champion
  • Mr. Roger Couvillon – Director, Information Technology & Evaluation Services
  • Ms. Michele Amantea – Director, Primary Care Services
  • Mr. Randy Sveinson – Director, Finance and Human Resources


  • Mr. Gareth Ackroyd – Business & Governance Lead
  • Ms. Taiya Davidsen – Governance Support Specialist



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